Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 2 was a little wet….

Well I will not be able to say this trip was dry as the last one, because today, we got it good. We were about 50 or so miles outside of New Orleans and we had stopped for gas a bit back and I remember telling Lori, I’m keeping my rain gear on. I just had a feeling. You could see it in the distance closing in on us like a dark demon waiting on it’s prey. Along with these flashing bolts from cloud to ground and in time we could hear the thunder. Then the wind head first into the bike and then you could see the wall of water. I kid you not, it was a wall like it was pouring from a faucet. As soon as we entered the water curtain, I was thinking it was extremely dark, and then I said duh!, lift you sun visor dummy. There that is better. Next I was checking the mirrors for any idiots that might not see me. You see, that is one thing I have never done, ride behind my Motorcycle and Trailer to see just how visible that it is. I’m sure with the trailer lights, motorcycle lights, and all that reflective stuff we wear, most will see me, but you just never know. All this crap lasted about 5 to 10 minutes and we popped out into the sunshine and there was much rejoicing. I still had to pull over and allow Princess to put another layer of riding gear on because with all that water, it was a bit chilly. With the exception of a little water around the collar from wiping my head from side to side looking for stuff we stayed dry. New suits did a nice job.

We crossed the sea of Lake Pontchartrain and that is what it looked like considering it was a 24 mile crossing. They even installed crossover points mainly for speed patrol, maintenance, and service for broken down vehicles. Once we approached the New Orleans shore it was very easy to pick out the Superdome. The reminded me of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge without the tunnels because of the long spans without much of shoreline to see in some directions.

For dinner we decide not to make the trip across town because of the traffic and instead went to the Brick Oven which was just quarter mile from the hotel. One of us had Cajun food and the other, who claimed on her Facebook that she was going to Cajun food, instead chicken out and had chicken instead. I on the other hand had Jambalaya which had Chicken, Duck, Sausage, and Shrimp with a very spicy tomato sauce an pasta.

Tomorrow’s plan will be a bit shorter mileage wise at 482, but time wise about the same of 8.5 hours. I will leave New Orleans head toward the Gulf of Mexico to Grand Isle. We will take a few pictures, see if the beaches are open and then make way for Houston Texas. In Houston we plan on meeting a few work mates that left Washington Center for other places to work. Those that know them will know their last names without me posting them here, so they will be Joy, Blair, and Glenn.

Today’s run was 530 miles, which makes 1049 in the books.

Click for Pictures of the day.

Tomorrow’s route below:

Screen shot 2011-05-13 at 9.53.12 PM


  1. Wow, 520 miles. I sure most of your days are shorter than that.

  2. I have one that is only 195 in Moab, UT., but I also have two days coming very soon that are 550. 12,000 miles has it's price. Wait till you read Sunday's post.....
