Sunday, March 17, 2013

May 29, 2013 No route today, Day 12

Today’s goal is strictly rest, service, and maintenance. I also need to switch from tires that are designed for 80% road and 20% dirt, to the other way around. The tires will be very hard and knobby and they are the same tires that were a causing factor in my broken collar bone. My over confidence in my skills last August 2012, was 90% of the cause, but it is moments like this that make you understand that your really are not as good as you think you are. I learned my lesson and now I move on with that knowledge. The tires used properly should be handle almost anything that I can throw at them, so let’s hope they service my motorcycle well.
I also plan to have all oil dropped and replaced and to take the time to fix and repair anything that needs it. I will also have to find time to do the little things like laundry, eat, and sight see. There is a chance based on service timing that I might be sitting a couple of days in Anchorage. If that happens, I plan on renting a car for a bit to see some of the sights.

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