Getting pictures and videos up and running on this portion of the trip is not going to be good. The DSL line just refuses to allow more than 1 picture at a time and videos you can just forget it.
Today I decided to ride Cabin ride 3 instead of Cabin ride 1, just in case we get hooked up with John Cassarly, from work, and his wife. To throw more confusion at you, Cabin ride 2 might be cancelled because my brave little wife has decided that she wants to ZipLine through the tree top. You can see more details Here! She will not smash a bug, but she’ll ride a Zipline? Go figure.
Today the weather was almost perfect. The temperatures hovered all day right about 70 to 75 depending on elevation. The clouds, sometimes looked threaten, but all floated by without as much as a drop.
We left the cabin around 9:30am and we drove for about an hour and half until we reached our target roads just north of Knoxville, TN. When we made the first transition into some magnificent sweepers, I actually turned around so I could take some pictures. The view, the layout, the rise and fall in the turns were just pretty. So Lori got off the bike and took a few shots and then off we went. I asked Lori to shoot about a 1 minute video and when got home to view it, it to was incredible. I wish I had the Internet to upload it, but I will upload it the first opportunity that I get.
So off I went zipping from corner to corner until around the corner I saw a rather large 10 wheel dump truck pulling out in front of me. Dang it! That’s ok, I zinged him through the muddy coal dust he was tracking onto the road. Few miles later, another beast of a truck, but he waved me by. Then all of a sudden, I came scooting around a corner and there was a truck so big, he covered both lanes. Not only was he big, he was spraying the road with water with a huge over the cab hose. This
thing was throwing some serious water and I came to a screeching halt ! He eventually saw me, stop moving, shut off the sprayer and backed up and off the road. Thought I was going to get a motorcycle wash as well a full body wash. That would have been rude!
The rest of the ride out of this curly cue of a rode ended with several 180 degree switch backs at 10 to 15 percent downhill grades.
I’ll have all you lady friends of Lori know, that after this ride, I let her go shopping for as long as she wanted, wherever she wanted, and she only stopped at one store and bought a just a couple of things. I think I actually got more stuff than she did!! Funny!
Tomorrow will be another long day for us, hitting the Cherohola Highway, Deals Gap, and at least one water fall, named Bald River Falls. Should be about a 270 mile day. So far this trip we have put 1362 miles on the Motorcycle and our butts. I figure we will double that when we end this trip.
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